Monday, March 17, 2008



1) Quick Silent Phone

Normally you might be pressing power button to switch between
profiles. Or going to Menu > Tools > Profiles. Here is a hiiden
shortcut press & hold # button. & your phone will go to silent. Repeat
again to go to General profile.



  • #PW+1234567890+1# = GIVES PROVIDER-LOCK STATUS

  • #PW+1234567890+2# = GIVES NETWORK-LOCK STATUS

  • #PW+1234567890+3# = GIVES COUNTRY-LOCK STATUS

  • #PW+1234567890+4# = GIVES SIM-CARD-LOCK STATUS


The code to read out the sim-lock status of your phone is





  • + = PRESS "*" TWO TIMES

  • MASTERCODE = 1234567890

  • Y = NUMBER 1 TO 4


It happens many times when you try to connect your nokia phone to nokia pc suite via bluetooth, on your computer but it does not connect and even after trying so many times it does not connect at all.

But this problem may not occur every time, so in order to avoid this connectivity problem you can configure your phone to be automatically connected to your nokia pc suite installed at your computer.


On the main screen type
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display (operator logo).
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support WLAN
#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.


*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

7) Motorola Star Tac

Show IMEI code
If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone,
simply press:
* # 06 #
you'll read it on display.


1) Connected with 22pf to pin 3
2) RF out
3) Connected with 33 pf to pin 8, 33 pf to pin, 33 pf to pin 7
5) MAN_TEST connected with 10k to L275
6) RS232_TX - connected to MCU SPI bus
7) RS232_RX - connected to MCU SPI bus
10) Connected with 33 pf to pin 13, 33 pf to pin 14
11) UPLINK -|
12) DOWNLINK -|- DSC bus connected to the BIC
13) DSC_EN_B -|
14) EXT_B+
15) Gnd


Motorola mtac Elite

Show IMEI code

If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone,
simply press:
* # 06 #
you'll read it on display.

Test Mode

To enter in Nam programming Mode, press:
[arrow up]
000000000000 (12 times zero)
now display shows the first step of NAM programming;
simply enter data and move to the next step using:
* (the same key of [left arrow])

Software version

To see software version of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground
with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:
Power ON the phone
and type:
now display is showing software version of your phone.

Serial Number

To see the serial number of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground
with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:

Power ON the phone

and type:

now display is showing the first pair of digits, then go ahead using

* (the same key of [left arrow])

to show the second pair and so on.

Pin Out

The pins are numbered 1 thru 10 from right to left
ANT- (O) | | | | | | | | | |

1) Audio Ground
2) Ext b+
3) T Data
4) C Data
5) R Data
6) Logic Ground
7) Audio Out - on/off
8) Audio In
9) Manual Test
10) Battery Feedback


Motorola Micro tac

Test Mode

To enter in Nam programming Mode,
you need to short-circuit the first and the third battery pin from the right, then:
Power ON the phone
display will show "Tacs5", type in:
now display shows the first step of NAM programming;
simply enter data and move to the next step using:

* (the same key of [left arrow])

Software version

To enter in Nam programming Mode,
you need to short-circuit the first and the third battery pin from the right, then:
Power ON the phone
display will show "Tacs5", type in:
now display is showing software version of your phone


Motorola mtac Elite

Test Mode

To enter in Nam programming Mode, press:

[arrow up]
000000000000 (12 times zero)

now display shows the first step of NAM programming;
simply enter data and move to the next step using:
* (the same key of [left arrow])

Software version

To see software version of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:
Power ON the phone
and type:


now display is showing software version of your phone.

Serial Number

To see the serial number of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:
Power ON the phone
and type:


now display is showing the first pair of digits, then go ahead using
* (the same key of [left arrow])

to show the second pair and so on.

Pin Out

The pins are numbered 1 thru 10 from right to left

ANT- (O) | | | | | | | | | |

1) Audio Ground
2) Ext b+
3) T Data
4) C Data
5) R Data
6) Logic Ground
7) Audio Out - on/off
8) Audio In
9) Manual Test
10) Battery Feedback

Motorola 8700

Show IMEI code

If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone,
simply press:

* # 06 #

you'll read it on display.

Turn on Clock

To turn on the hidden clock on your phone follow the following procedure:
In Setup menu turn ON "extended menu"
in language selection change to "GREEK" or "EAAKA"
exit menu
press key labeled "i" (the info key)
type *#25625# and finally
turn OFF the phone
next time you'll wake up the phone the clock will be on your display and while surfing menu you'll find the option to set its time.

RBS Info

To activate RBS info menu simply press:
[][][]113[]1[]OK ("[]" = the block you obtain pressing "*" for 3 seconds or more)
this procedure seems not to work on all software version but it's the only one you can try from keypad.

Software Bug

Some 8700 remain frozen after you switched on cell broadcast; the phone seems to function properly but it can't origin or receive any calls and turns off when you press any key.


Samsung Reset Codes

You can try these in case you downloaded corrupted or incompatible Java midlets or other media, which are causing problems with the phone.

*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)

*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)

*2767*WAP# Wap Reset

*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M

*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)

For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#

Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.

Other Samsung Codes

*#06# IMEI code

*#9998*4357# Help Menu

*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)

*#9999#0# Monitor Mode

*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version

*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version

*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos

*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast

*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)

*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)

*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos

*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log

*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table

*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock

*#8999*638# show network information

*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup

*#9998*76# production number

*#9998*968# view melody for alarm

*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)

*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off

*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On


*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but also change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to restore it)

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset
*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk
*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version


v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#

*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.

***/// ***/// NOTE /// *** RED COLOR , they appear serious !!! Use at
own risk !!!

*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites


Free Samsung Mobile Tricks And Tips

Samsung Reset Codes

You can try these in case you downloaded corrupted or incompatible Java midlets or other media, which are causing problems with the phone.

*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)

*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)

*2767*WAP# Wap Reset

*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M

*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)

For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#

Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.

Other Samsung Codes

*#06# IMEI code

*#9998*4357# Help Menu

*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)

*#9999#0# Monitor Mode

*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version

*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version

*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos

*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast

*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)

*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)

*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos

*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log

*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table

*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock

*#8999*638# show network information

*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup

*#9998*76# production number

*#9998*968# view melody for alarm

*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)

*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off

*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On


*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but also change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to restore it)

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset
*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk
*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version


v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#

*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.

***/// ***/// NOTE /// *** RED COLOR , they appear serious !!! Use at
own risk !!!

*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites


The universal unlock code is *2767*637# do this with out your sim in

By default, the firmware (software) for x600 only receives java
apps and other applications like stuff by serial port.
but even for it, you have to enable the serial port, which also
the closing of all other ports, even the IrDA too :-( ..

well, guess what, i have very good news for you,
do you know, you can increase the sound level,
the sound level for tones, speaker fone, etc,
can be increase even then if it is at max (level 4)

you still can do it,
just follows the instructions

The master reset code is:
This will not delete anything from your
mobile phone, but set each and eveything to its
default/standard setting as it was on the time of purchase.

Other Samsung Codes
*#9998*4357# Help Menu
*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# Monitor Mode
*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version
*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos
*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast
*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)
*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)
*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos
*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log
*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table
*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock
*#8999*638# show network information
*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup
*#9998*76# production number
*#9998*968# view melody for alarm
*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On


Create your own playlist

Did you know you can create your own playlist?
Scroll to WALKMAN > Playlists > New playlist and press "Add"

ON/OFF button menu

Press the ON/OFF button briefly.. Here you have easy access to Profiles, Keypad lock and Silent mode.

Video / Camera Mode

With the camera activated, it's easy to toggle between the Camera and Video modes using the left/right directions of the navigation key.

Ear Volume

Use the side keys to change the ear volume on a call.

Change the function of the music button

Did you know you can personalize your music button:
Scroll to Settings > General > Play/pause button

Create movies with Video DJ™

Did you know you can create your own movies by combining video clips and pictures you've taken with Video DJ?
Scroll to Entertainment > Video DJ™.


Access the main desktop by pressing the navigation key. The desktop icons work similarly to computer icons, giving you access to other phone features.

Camera button

Quickly activate the camera function by opening the phone and press the “Camera” button located on the top of the navigation button.


Use the navigation arrows to access predefined shortcuts to popular phone features. Customize the shortcuts:

  2. Choose "Edit".
  3. Use the "Select" key to navigate to the desired


Activate the loudspeaker:

  1. During a call, or before a call connects, by choosing "More" / TURN ON SPEAKER.
  2. After dialling, but before a call connects, by choosing "Speaker".

Call Options

Press "More" during a call for quick access to ongoing call features. Choose from the following options:

  1. Turn on(off) Speaker
  2. Main menu - Accesses the desktop.
  3. Add Call - Adds another participant to the call.
  4. (Un)Mute Microphone - (Un)mutes the microphone.
  5. Hold - Places the call on hold.
  6. Disable Tones - Turns of DTMF tones.
  7. Record - Records conversation. NOTE: In some countries or states it is required by law that you inform the other person before recording the call.

View files located on the phone memory or memory stick.

You can view the three different storage locations: the phone, memory stick or both.
The file manager is divided into three tabs, and icons indicate where the files are saved.

ALL FILES - All content in the phone and on the Memory Stick Micro (M2).
IN PHONE - All content in the phone memory.
ON MEMORY STICK - all content on the Memory Stick Micro (M2).

Tips & Tricks menu

You can find additional Tips and Tricks in your phone:
Scroll to Settings > General > Tips and tricks

Back button

Press and hold the “Back” key to return to the standby screen.

Silent Mode

Press and hold the "#" key in standby to turn off all phone sounds.

Microphone Mute

Mute the microphone during a call by pressing "More" / Mute Mic..

To move or copy a file from the phone memory to the memory stick

To move or copy a file from the phone memory to the memory stick:

Open File Manager, select a folder, scroll to a file and select More then Manage Files.

  • Select Move or Copy.
  • Choose Memory Stick.
  • Select a folder (or New Folder) then press OK to paste.

  • 18)

    Sony Ericsson Codes

    Getting your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Number: *#06#
    Access Software version: > * < < * < * Reach last dialed numbers: 0 then # The Sony Ericsson Secret Menu screen: -> * <- <- * <- * Change to Default Language (English): <>
    Info about SIMLOCK: < * * <>

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